Senior Grant

Guys. I babysat this kid. This kid who is obviously not a kid anymore & somehow grew into a man. I realize I'm not very old, but lordy did I feel old working through Grant's gallery. That being said I'm super grateful to have captured his senior photos.
I love working with seniors. I love hearing about their future plans, the things they're worried about for the coming year & of course watching the mommas tear up in the background. It's such an amazing moment of transition & I feel incredibly lucky each time I'm invited to capture these beautiful memories.

Grant is a North Scott student, but in light of something a bit different than his peers we met up downtown Dewitt. I'm obviously biased, but I personally think Dewitt is a surprisingly fantastic location. Our downtown is extremely well-maintained, with lots of different locations to shoot against. I particularly loved the shots we caught on the community stage. That open shade was just the right spot to get up close & personal with Grant's bright blue eyes.

I'm glad that Grant chose to take some of his photos in his glasses. I think they suit his personality so well.

While he wasn't too thrilled about jeans & a button up in July weather, it was worth it! I love the soft pastels. It's light, bright & everything I'm searching after during my shoots. The gray background is my fave little parking lot. I've shot a number of headshots & seniors against that wall & continually love the nuetral backdrop & plentiful shade.
To wrap up, we grabbed some shots of Grant in his soccer gear. Grant & his momma hadn't quite decided if we'd shoot in his gear, but we had plenty of light left, so we went for it. We didnt' have a ball to use, but thankfully once we arrived at the fields we were able to borrow one (that surprisingly matched quite well) to use. These final shots are some of my favorites. I'm super lovin' the gold bokeh peeking through the tree line.

Wish Grant the best of luck as he takes on his senior year!